BOOM – Broken-hearted

F689D2BC-D864-4347-AA6B-527F3A30F8CC.jpegWho can watch the tragedy of today and not be heart broken. It is  unimaginably  to see the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris ablaze.

Many of you will have been there and know that it is a place that merits the word magestic. Full of history and religious significance.

Our family were blessed to live in Paris for three years and to bring friends and family to see and experience this beautiful place.

It was the first place in Paris that Aaron ever visited. When I took him for his interview at the Bristish School of Paris we went there afterwards. He was just a little five year old then. One of his favorite movies was the Hunchback of Notre Dame so we went to see if we could find Quasimodo.

Whether five or ninety five no one enters the doors of this holy place without being awe struck. The scale and power are immense.

Many evenings I passed the cathedral at night on my way from the Gare de Lyon to Issy les Moulineux. It is magical and when I saw it it meant I was almost home.

All the world will feel this but I can only imagine the depth of sadness of the people of Paris and of France.

That the loss of this symbol of faith, hope and the love of Jesus comes during Holy Week makes it even more poignant.

The significance of this moment will stay with us for ever. One thing we know for sure though there will be a restoration to glory!


Blessing # 309 – In the End is Our Beginning


2 Replies to “BOOM – Broken-hearted”

  1. I certainly join in your sadness over this beautiful and powerful symbol of faith. Hopefully rebuilding will be possible as it was at the York Cathedral.


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